Body Affirming Alterations and Custom Clothing


Custom Clothing


experience gender euphoria

experience gender euphoria ◆

We take
your clothes and make them work for you

What people are saying:

SGC are professional problem solvers who I trust with my most delicate fit issues. They ask the right questions, are open to the way I want to wear my clothing, and are experts at self-affirming alterations and custom designs. I have referred friends and clients in the past, and will do so again every time I have the opportunity.
— Jen (she/her)
The collective is not just incredibly talented, but also the kindest, most personable and lovable humans. Plus, they are LGBTQ-inclusive & have experience working with ALL-size bodies and creating through a trauma-informed lens. Truly a breath of fresh air for us folks with ‘non-standard’ bodies.
— Levi (they/them)
I had a thrifted shirt that was a rare find in that it fit me well as a transmasculine person. I was so sad when it ripped and went to SGC to see if it could be repaired. They laid out a couple of options and we ultimately decided that creating a new shirt from the old shirt’s pattern was the best option. Not only did SGC deliver a beautiful new shirt, it was actually improved with slight adjustments to the measurements to make it fit even better!
— Taylor (he/him)

Our Story

We heard from folks frustrated with traditional garment silhouettes and sizing that they were having a hard time finding clothes that represented them. When it came to adjusting fit, it was a struggle to track down resources that didn’t approach fit without gender stereotypes as a baseline.

We knew we had something to offer. We want to help everyone feel their best in their own clothes, and we know the difference well-fitting garments can make in everyday life.

follow us on IG @sodogarmentcollective

follow us on IG @sodogarmentcollective ◆